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Looking Back
Consuming Fire Fellowship
The first Consuming Fire Fellowship building (1995-1996)
Our first tent meeting in downtown Centreville (1996)
Our firs tent meeting sign (1996)
Open-air preaching at the Ferry in St. Francisville (1997)
Our second building, a store-front in Woodville (1996-2009)
Brother Bob preaching at the ferry in St. Francisville (1997)
Brother Sonny preaching at the Centreville BBQ Fest (1997-98)
Bro Britt & Bro Bob preaching the Woodville HC parade (1997-98)
An early church picture (1997-98)
Brother Charlie preaching at LSU (1997-98)
Preaching the first Norwood Mardi Gras (1997-98)
Brother Timothy preaching at LSU at an early age
Brother Bob, Brother Britt, and Brother Charlie in the early days of CFF preaching at LSU (1997-99)
Young children at LSU
Preaching the SEC Championship game in Atlanta
Declaring the Word at LSU
Preaching Norwood Mardi Gras (2000s)
Prison Ministry at WCCF (2000s)
Preach the Word!
Preaching the Gospel at the Illusions Club
Exposing CCM at Winter Jam
A joyful wedding
A gathering crowd at 'Free-Speech Alley' (2005)
Homeschool field-trip
CFF ladies fellowshipping
Brother Britt confronts the Chi Alpha 'evangelistic chicken'
Fellowship meals after services
A crowd gathers at 'Free-Speech Alley'
Mexico Missions Trip
Our children laboring in the harvest
Norwood Mardi Gras (2000s)
Thriving Prison Ministry
The 'Bench' at the Alley
New Orleans Mardi Gras 2004
Preaching at major events at the Baton Rouge River-Center
Mealtime at one of our Open-Air Preaching Conferences
A cold night at the Illusions Club
The young men fellowshipping
Some call it 'legalism', we call it 'modesty'
Preaching at Baton Rouge Community College
During one of our annual fall Camp-Meetings
Since 2011 we've been meeting on Busy Corner Road
Our current church building (2011-present)
Proclaiming Christ and Him crucified!
Preaching with Brother Matt at SLU
Spiritual hunger and iron sharpening iron
New Orleans Mardi Gras
Preaching at LSU's 'Free-Speech Alley'
The next generation fulfilling the Great Commission
The Gospel is preached at Mississippi State
The Assembling of the Saints
Raising up the next generation...
Baton Rouge Sodomite Pride Fest (2014)
Crawfish fellowship!
Galveston Mardi Gras
Reasoning with sinners...
Preaching at University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Declaring the Word at Ole Miss
Together since the beginning
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